Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mac security update + X11/Terminal hang

I just had an incredibly frustrating experience.  I
installed the latest security update for my mac laptop.
When I rebooted, X11 no longer functioned.  Moreover,
Terminal would start, but was clearly hanging, and
Aquamacs wouldn't open. 

The problem turned out to be a command in my .bashrc

xset b off

that was intended to turn off sounds emanating from X11.
Once this was commented out, everything works fine.
You can access your bashrc file by opening Terminal and
hitting Ctrl-C.  This will allow you to use vi to change the
relevant file.


  1. Thanks for the post. I just had a similar experience after updating to 10.5.7. X11 and Terminal both just hung. I found your post in a Google search - thought I'd post this comment in case others have a problem.

    The offending lines in my .cshrc file were xhost + lines. Commented them out and all seems to work fine again.

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Thank you! You're a godsend.
