Friday, July 31, 2009

Computer security

A British hacker somehow managed to shut down the US Army's computers for 24 hours.
I didn't hear about this.  I thought this comment was interesting.
He had used his own computer with a 56K dial-up modem at his London home with no password protection and somehow managed to evade every security measure the U.S. military had adopted.
70 years seems excessive.  Perhaps the Army should hire this guy rather than put him
in jail. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Haskell 'import qualified'

Haskell's module system is a bit weird.  Consider the following:

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Char as L

x = L.concat []
y = L.toUpper 'c'

How can this make sense?  I was interpreting

import qualified Data.List as L


structure L = Data.List

in SML.

Apparently the qualified import just makes a new namespace and
dumps all the names from the modules into it.  If there is a conflict,
you simply can't use the name.  For instance, if it was Data.Map and Data.List,
then L.union would be ambiguous.